The stock headlight on the KPM 200 is not great for night riding or visibility. There are other options in the marketplace, and one rider from the Facebook Group, Avram Penner, shares his process of upgrading the stock headlight and blinkers.


Use and follow this guide at your own risk. Read all manufacturer instructions and guidelines. You are solely responsible for the safe and successful installation of all components outlined herein.


The upgrade consists of 4 main elements, and one optional add-on:

  • Headlight
  • Turn signals
  • Housing
  • Mounting bracket
  • Fairing (optional)



I chose this headlight for three reasons. First, it is the brightest one I could find on Amazon (75W high beam, 45W low beam). There are headlights that come with a housing but no headlight/housing combos were as bright as this option.
Second, although this may sound counterintuitive, this product does not have integrated turn signals. I wanted separate turn signals to maximize visibility when turning and especially when changing lanes.

Third, it comes with an H4-H13 wiring harness adapter.

Turn Signals


I chose these not only because they match the aesthetic I’m going for, but also because they have integrated running lights in both the front and back and integrated rear brake lights. These signals also happened to have the same color coding as the existing wiring, which helped during installation.

Note: the existing turn signals are >10mm in diameter which excludes them from use with the mounting bracket below.



The first one I ordered was actually too small to contain the electrical connections. This one not only fit those connections, but also worked with the mounting bracket I purchased separately. Although this one comes with a mounting bracket, I did not like either the style or the way it is meant to connect to the front forks.

Mounting Brackets


This was a challenging component to source because of the size of the front forks on the KPM200. Not only are they relatively large (46mm – 50mm), but they also taper throughout the area where a new bracket needs to connect. These brackets are large enough to fit the largest part of the front fork and also come with rubber shims which allow them to attach to the smaller portions of the fork. They also look better (IMO) than the cheaper bracket that comes with the housing above.
Note: this bracket comes with a 10mm hole for turn signal mounting which is smaller than the existing turn signals. If you decide to use this bracket, you will need to purchase turn signals with a 10mm bolt or a different headlight with integrated signals.


Necessary Tools & Materials

  • Philips head screwdrivers (1 long, 1 short)
  • 8mm crescent wrench or ratchet
  • 14 mm crescent wrench
  • 4mm and 5mm allen wrenches
  • Wire strippers
  • Spare wire (18 ga., ±1ft separated)
  • Lever wire connector (1 x 4 wire)
  • Tap splice (1 x 18-22 ga)
  • 18-22 ga. spade connector (1 x male)
  • 18-22 ga. heat shrink
  • Lighter or heat gun for shrinking the above
  • Electrical tape
  • Thread-lock, blue


  1. Using the long PH screwdriver, remove the two screws from the back of the existing headlight assembly. You will need to push the handlebars all the way to each side to gain access.
  2. Using the short PH screwdriver, remove the one phillips head screw on the bottom of the existing headlight assembly.
  3. Remove the two body clips on either side of the headlight assembly by pushing the center into the clip to retract the prongs then pulling the entire clip free.
  4. Remove the front of the headlight assembly and disconnect the headlight from the wiring harness and the turn signals from each of their four terminals. Set aside the headlight assembly.
  5. Using the 8mm wrench or ratchet, remove each of the four bolts holding the rear of the headlight assembly to the forks. Set aside the rear portion of the headlight assembly.

Pre-Assembly Preparation

  • Start by taking a picture (or several) of all the existing electrical connections. This may be a helpful reference later on.
  • To get the existing electrical connections into the new headlight housing, it is necessary to disconnect several of the wiring harnesses. Before doing so, however, label both sides of each connection using a sharpie and some scotch tape (the sharpie can rub off on its own). This will ensure you reattach each connection and don’t leave any wires disconnected unnecessarily. Note: there is one harness without any connections.
  • Splice into the brown running light wire using the tap splice and a ~6″ spare wire. Attach the lever wire connector to the end of the spare wire.

This will allow you to connect the headlight running light as well as the running lights from the turn signals at a later step. The splice will leave an unused female bullet terminal; this is perfectly ok.

  • Prepare a ~6″ spare wire by stripping both ends and connecting the male spade connector to one end. Insert the other end into the toggle connector. This should leave two open slots for the running lights in the turn signals. The floating male spade will be used in a later step.
  • Remove each of the three pins from the black end of the H4-H13 adapter supplied with the headlight. This can be done using a skewer or other stiff, narrow instrument to pry up the lever holding the wire in place while simultaneously pulling gently on the wire from the rear of the harness to remove it.
  • Place approximately ¾-1″ of heat shrink over the exposed portion of the wire where it connects to the flat prong, leaving the entirety of the flat end exposed. Use a lighter or heat gun to shrink the wrap into place.


I assembled the parts using a dry fit methodology, first putting each component together on its own, then loosely fitting them together on the bike, and finally taking one screw out at a time to apply thread-lock before fully tightening them down. DO NOT SKIP THIS LAST STEP. Doing so may result in missing hardware and/or damaged equipment.

Headlight and front housing

The headlight first needs to be fitted into the front of the housing. This took some patience to get right, but did work in the end. Just follow the instructions supplied by the housing manufacturer.


Because the brackets have so many individual components, I put them on in the following order:

  1. I positioned the top bracket at the top of the forks using the narrower rubber shim.
  2. I temporarily assembled the adjustable arms in the most-closed position possible.
  3. Using the arms as a guide, I found the approximate placement of the lower bracket. I did not put the arms in place at this point however, just the brackets.

In the end, the distance between the two brackets ended up being ~65-68mm (~2 9/16”). Note: this puts the lower bracket over a slightly tapered section of the fork.

Rear housing

  1. With the brackets in place and the existing wiring temporarily disconnected, feed the wiring into the rear of the headlight bracket. After feeding the electrical through, re-establish any necessary connections.
  2. Now attach the bracket arms to the rear housing and dry fit to the brackets on the forks.
  3. Use this opportunity to fine-tune the position of individual components. When satisfied with the dry fit, move onto the next step.

Turn signals

  1. With the bracket arms now in place, use the 14mm crescent wrench to dry fit the turn signals in place and feed the wiring into the rear housing.
  2. Connect the turn signals to their associated bullet terminals (blue//green for one and orange//green for the other, IIRC).
  3. Snip off the male bullet terminals from the brown running light wires of the turn signals, strip ~⅛-¼” of the wire, then insert into the lever connector you spliced in during the pre-assembly prep phase. Each of the four slots in the connector should now be occupied (three shown in photo with one doubled up). At this point, you can test the turn signal functionality.


  1. Using this reference guide, examine your H4-H13 adapter to determine the function/color of each wire then insert the flat prongs into the stock female harness as follows:
    1. Ground -> Green
    2. Low Beam -> White
    3. High Beam -> Blue

2. Secure the connection with electrical tape.

3. Find the floating male spade connector prepared earlier and connect it to the desired running light. At this point you can connect the harness to the headlight and test the functionality.

4. After testing, disconnect the headlight for the time being in order to apply thread-lock during final fitting.

Final fitting

Working from one side to the other, take out one bolt at a time, apply thread-lock, then reinsert the bolt and fully tighten down. Do not forget to apply thread-lock to the threads of the turn signals or the bolts connecting the bracket arms to the headlight housing.

At this point you may install the fairing if you have chosen to do so. Don’t forget to apply thread-lock to the fairing bolts as well.

Final assembly

Reconnect the headlight wiring and fit the front of the housing to the rear of the housing. Apply thread-lock to the final two screws and secure the two housing components to each other.

Congratulations on your upgraded visibility and style! Now go out for a ride, you deserve it.

Categories: Mods


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