You don’t need to pay an overseas retailer hundreds in shipping fees to get nice saddle bags on your bike! Amazon has a ton, and the bracket is easy to make from a few parts at Home Depot!

This is a fairly short and easy one. I purchased a nice set of bags from Amazon and fitted them easily to the KPM.

The bags I purchased came separate, but were designed to be sewn together using shoestring. Instead of doing that, I opted to screw the bags right to my plastic fender, with some short machine screws and washers to hold it in place.

I’ve had it like this for well over a year, and the brackets and screws haven’t given me a lick of trouble.

To make the bracket, I purchased two 5″ Flat Corner Braces from Home Depot, as well as screws to attach to the frame. The metal frame parts below the seat actually have two screw holes, so they’re a perfect spot to add the brackets.

From there, I bent the brackets 90 degrees, screwed down the bags and then used a small drill to drill 2 small holes in the liner of the bag, to line up with the holes in the bracket.

Then, I ran zip ties through the bags, through the brackets, and back into the bag to secure it down.

Check out the pictures to the right to see how it was all put together!

Parts List
The Amazon bags are screwed into the rear fender, away from view under the seat, with washers.
On each side of the bike, I added the Flat Corner Brace (bent at a 90 degree angle, as seen above) and ran a zip-tie through the flat part of the brace and into the bag.
The end result, the bags are very handy – I use them to carry food, tools, gloves, my insurance and registration, and whatever else!

Categories: Mods

1 Comment

Tim Worton · November 3, 2023 at 11:52 am

Nice page, thanks for putting this up 👍🏻 just wondering if you have any mods for handlebar risers? I find the stock height to be way to low to my likings.

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